Renovations Planned for Wellacre Country Park in Urmston
New funding has been allocated to improve the biodiversity of Wellacre Park in Urmston and to create better access to natural surroundings for Urmston residents, cited by Trafford Council as a vital part of post- pandemic recovery.
£100,00 in funding has been acquired for the exciting project, of which nearly £72,000 is from City of Trees charity from Veolia Environmental Trust and another £25,000 from Trafford Council. The money will be used to start work as soon as possible to improve footpaths to install new signage and to protect wildlife habitats.
One of the main paths in Wellacre park is the footpath from Ambleside to Carrington Rd will be renovated completely serving to improve access and increase safety. Volunteer days are planned so that local residents can participate in the project, as well as to involve local schools and other interested groups. Existing signage will be updated and improved and new signs will be introduced to inform users on wildlife and heritage information as well as to encourage walkers to explore other sites nearby in Urmston and in the Mersey Valley areas.
Trafford Councillors are naturally delighted at the project and what it means for Urmston and Trafford residents. Green spaces are a priority for residents as part of the post pandemic planning
Move Urmston Former Leisure Centre Now Open For business after Refit
Urmston Leisure Centre is open to residents after a massive £7million refurbishment funded by Trafford Council.
The building has been renovated and renamed Urmson Move and has been featured in an architectural magazine praising it for its “sustainability” and “innovative use of natural light”
Trafford Council has been praised for its commitment to public health and for ensuring that the leisure centre project fulfilled the green, efficient and carbon footprint reducing goals of the project.
The architects involved in the project Architects 5 Plus were praised in the magazine article for their work.
The residents of Urmston are encouraged to visit the new leisure centre “ there is an amazing range of activities going on . There is something for everyone” said Cllr Liz Patel.
Read more of the article here……
Former Resident of Urmston supports more Astro-turf Play Areas for Kids
Mike Meikleham, a former resident of Urmston is petitioning Trafford council and Sport England to support his proposal for more astroturf “cages” and concrete basketball courts for playing sport in and around Urmston and other areas. Struck by the huge number of artificial turf areas in Amsterdam ( more than 100 within an 8.4 mile area ) he feels that kids in Manchester are missing out
The petition was created by Mike Meikleham to be submitter to Kate Green MP and Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham to demand that some of the funds, allocated by Sport England for “new and innovative ways for people to keep active” be used for these purposes.
Only 400 people have so far signed his petition from Urmston but Mike feels that if more people joined up it would strengthen the petition so that it could not be ignored.
He commented that although there are many outdoor sporting facilities, they cannot all be used because of the flooding caused by the Manchester climate, and that nowadays playing in the street is not condoned by parents.
Return To Kindness Urged By Urmston GP
A rise in “ abusive and aggressive “ behaviour has prompted an Urmston GP to appeal for kindness from patients. Urmston Group Practice appealed on Twitter and simply said that the Practice, which has several GPs and nurses was facing a high volume of abuse and aggression. “Please remember we are trying our best to keep you safe and well” said the tweet.
It is thought that the Group Practice will have texted its patients with a similar message to get the word out and the tweet said that they would not tolerate this behaviour towards the Group Practice staff “ we will take steps with patients who are consistently abusive and aggressive towards our staff”
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