Stain treatments for cleaning your fabric furniture can be divided into two main types  Wet and Dry and occasionally a combination of both. Wet stain treatments use stain removal agents containing water – the stain type must be soluble in water and the fabric has to be suitable for water treatment.
 Dry stain treatments do not use any water they are normally solvents and are cleaning fluids or can be powders these types of cleaning  agent are effective to treat oils and grease, or oil based stains solvent based stain removers can be bought at the supermarket but should always be used in a well ventilated room.

Examples of oil based stains are cosmetics, ballpoint pen marks, oils and tar, candle wax and salad dressing stains. All these types of stain should be given the ‘Dry stain treatment’

Wet-type stains are soluble in water and so the treatment and removal of such stains requires water based products  Examples of wet-type  stains are  soda drinks and fruit juices , ketchup, coffee, tea, and most food stains.

Some stains are composites and require wet and dry stain treatments Lipstick is a good  example It contains wax and dye. The wax is treated with dry stain removal product  and the dye is removed via wet-stain  treatment. When dealing with a composite stain always tackle the dry stain treatment first  Ensure the wax is removed before starting  the “wet” stain procedure .  Other stains that require both dry and wet treatment include gravy, and salad dressing. shoe polish,

Some stains will not dissolve in either water or cleaning fluid they require professional cleaning products rust , dried paint, and egg stains Dried blood,

Stains should be treated as soon as possible to avoid damage to the fabric. The longer a stain remains in a fabric the more difficult it is to remove. Stains can also attract insects, which can result in further fabric damage..

1:  Always test for colorfastness before applying any stain removal agent. Blot a small amount of the agent on an inconspicuous area of the garment with white cloth. If any traces of dye appear on the cloth do not use that agent. It is not safe to use on the garment.

2   Remove stains quickly the  longer the  stain sits in the fabric, the harder it will be to remove.

3: Blot or tamp stains after you have applied the cleaner  – don’t  rub or brush the stained area, as this might damage the fabric. Blot moving in a direction from the outside edge toward the stain center so that a ring will not form

4: Do not use more cleaning agent than you  absolutely need. Use a spray bottle to apply and spray as lightly as you can .

5: Put absorbent materials such as white towels or white paper towels under the stained area  if you can to absorb the dissolved stain away from the fabric and prevent it from spreading. Change the position of the absorbent material constantly providing a clean area beneath the stain

When doing stain removal at home, work slowly and check your work frequently throughout the procedure. Be aware that a stain may behave differently depending on the fiber content, dye, finish, and construction of the fabric.